By Beverley Levy-Smith…
My name is Beverley Levy-Smith and I am 53 years old and mother of 2 wonderful young men. Dylan Giles 21 who is in his final year at Preston University and Macaulay 19 who is in his first year at Crewe university. I am very blessed and very proud of the young men they have grown to be despite of my past. God has truly kept them.
I grew up in a Christian home but was very rebellious, I rebelled against the Christian values of my parent’s home. I chose to leave at the age of 17 and live my own life and because of my rebellion I made many wrong choices l lived a gangster lifestyle, this led me into a 17 year crack cocaine addiction of £3,000 a week. I spent 8 years of my life in prison because of the lawless life I lead.
Things came to a head after being involved in a near death car accident. Where God spoke to me audibly. That day I made up my mind I was going back to church, going to accept Christ into my life, which I did but could not kick my addiction. Life became a nightmare I was broken and cried out to the Lord for a way out. I wanted to die and planned to take my own life.
The day I planned to do this I went to church, the church I had grown up in, I heard a message called “Out of the Ashes” which stirred me. I spoke to the visiting preacher at that time Bishop Chambers, he told me I needed professional help and through a family friend in the church that knew of Teen Challenge I entered the program in Wales on 2nd August 2005.
This was the best thing I have ever done as well as the hardest; I met with God at Hope House (Teen Challenge) in a big way and made Him my priority and my all in all. I graduated in April 2007 as a woman of God, changed, delivered and healed and the praise and Glory belongs to God.
Since graduating God has restored my family, I returned to Leeds and was employed by Teen Challenge Leeds on the outreach team for 2 years. I moved on from there to work for Social services with youth after care for 2 years. I travelled on mission trips to Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, Trinidad, India and Barbados sharing the Gospel and working with the lepers, HIV victims and street kids. Most recently i headed up my first mission team to Teen challenge Jamaica where we served and shared the love of Jesus Christ, lives where changed and God truly touched and spoke to the team 2 of which were teenagers. I have also been involved in many of the ministries within my home church and I am the founder of the Kings Daughters young women’s ministry.
I have travelled all round the UK sharing the love of Jesus and the amazing things he has done in my life and giving hope to others to believe he can also do it for them. God is awesome and his word in Jeremiah 29.11 has proven to be true in my life and I know that at this moment in time I am in the centre of Gods will for my life. I thank The Lord for my Parents my wonderful boys (now young men), and also the ministry of Teen challenge for believing in me and helping me fulfil my calling. I live to serve God, I stay under his word and that is my life.
In 2013 I was honoured to be nominated for and won 2 awards, for the way my life turned around, I was blown away and so humbled to hear that my life change has impacted and inspired so many people. In 2014 I ended my season at Hope House Teen Challenge to take up a role in Harrogate to pioneer a women’s after care centre, My role will still be counselling and mentoring women. This new season in my life is just another part of Gods plan for my life I embrace it as I know he knows best.
Bless You